At Home in Our
Community and the World |
Banking, Customer Service
and Telephones |
Canada |
- Nice to Meet You
listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, greeting, introduction, small talk, children, neighbour
- Can You Fix It?
reading, writing, CLB2, repairs, house, handyman, trades, fix, tradesperson, do-it-yourself
- An Expensive Weekend
reading, listening, CLB2, CLB3, plumber, plumbing, fix, repair, repairs, trades, tradesperson, crossword
- How to Keep out the Cold
listening, CLB2, CLB3, tools, weatherproof, winter, cold, landlord, townhouse
- A Letter to the Landlord
reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, landlord, tenant, letter, repairs, maintenance, elevator, complaint, business letter
- Saturday at the Bazaar
listening, CLB2, CLB3, bazaar, flea market, used, merchandise, community, friends
- Amir Gets His Paycheque
listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, shopping, money, numbers, amount, currency, gift, sales, store, customer
- Writing Cheques
writing, reading, CLB2, bank, banking, cheque, chequing, money
- Telephone Fraud
listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, telephone, phone, crime, fraud, seniors, con artist, scam
- Telephone Fraud Warnings
reading, CLB2, crime, fraud, phone, telephone, scam, bank, banking
- A Debit Card Problem
listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, bank, banking, ATM, debit, debit card, credit card, PIN, thief, crime
- Bartle's Umbrella
listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, telephone, phone, customer, report, bus, transit, lost and found
- Banking, Customer Service and Telephone Vocabulary Review
reading, writing, CLB2, vocabulary, review, crossword
- Quick Facts about Canada
listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, geography, map, cities, provinces, river, mountain, Great Lakes, Ontario
- The Aboriginal Peoples
reading, CLB2, Canada, history, aboriginals, First Nations, Algonquin, Iroquois, Ontario, vocabulary
- Early Canadian History
reading, CLB2, Canada, history, explorers, aboriginals, French, Champlain, British, fur, missionaries
- The Story of Laura Secord
reading, CLB2, Canada, history, Ontario, aboriginals, War of 1812, United States, British, Niagara Falls, heroine
- The Canadian Fifty-Dollar Bill
listening, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, history, money, prime minster, Mackenzie King, Famous Five, rights, women
- Canadian Animals - Part 1
reading, writing, CLB2, Canada, wildlife, animals, vocabulary
- Canadian Animals - Part 2
reading, listening, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, wildlife, animals, crossword
- The Canadian Moose
reading, listening, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, wildlife, animals, geography
- Canadian Coins
reading, writing, CLB2, Canada, history, money, coins, loonie, toonie
Commercial Services
and Business |
- Fall Festivals
reading, listening, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, autumn, fall, holiday, festival, Thanksgiving, Halloween, family, food, turkey, pumpkin, pie
- Joan's Turkey Stuffing and Kim's Halloween Pumpkin
reading, writing, CLB2, Canada, autumn, fall, holiday, festival, Thanksgiving, recipe, Halloween, food, turkey, children, October, pumpkin, jack-o-lantern,crossword
- What Are You Thankful for?
reading, listening, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, Thanksgiving, history, native, aboriginal, settlers, family, thankfulness
- Canadian Festivals
reading, CLB2, Canadian Culture, Canada, festivals, holiday, holidays, Remembrance Day, Easter, Christmas, Labour Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, Halloween
- Spare Time
reading, listening, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, leisure, hobbies, hobby,camping, weekends, Ontario, park, photography
- When in Rome
reading, CLB2, Canadian Culture, Canada, dinner party, party, idiom, expression, cross cultural, tradition
- Dinner Parties
reading, CLB2, Canada, dinner party, invitation, tradition, thank-you, formal
- Canadian Gift-Giving Traditions
reading, listening, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, holiday, festival, gift, family, present
- A Thank-You Note
reading, writing, CLB2, Canada, note, letter, thanks, thank you, gift, present, assist, neighbour, kindness
- Rosa Saves the Day
reading, writing, CLB2, 911, telephone, phone, child, children, ambulance, emergency, accident, safety
- Rules for Children Calling 9-1-1
reading, writing, CLB2, 911, telephone, phone, child, children, ambulance, emergency
- Teaching a Child to Phone 9-1-1
reading, listening, writing, CLB2, CLB3, 911, phone, telephone, child, children, safety, emergency,
- Children's Safety Songs
listening, CLB2, CLB3, child, children, safety, emergency, song, accident
- What Should I Do?
reading, listening, writing, CLB2, CLB3, telephone, phone, emergency, 911, police, fire
- Can My Landlord Evict Me?
reading, CLB2, law, landlord, tenant, evict, eviction, rent, pet, housing, accommodation
- Matilda Gets a Smoke Alarm
reading, listening, writing, CLB2, CLB3, law, landlord, tenant, safety, housing, accommodation, smoke alarm, fire, complaint
- What Must a Landlord Do?
reading, writing, CLB2, law, tenant, landlord, responsibilities, responsibility, accommodation, repair, maintenance
- Warning Labels on Prescription Bottles
reading, writing, CLB2, health, medicine, medication, pharmacy, drugstore, prescription, drugs, instructions, label, warning, safety, crossword
- Read the Label
listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, health, medicine, medication, drugstore, pharmacy, drugs, instructions, label, warning, safety
- Reading Prescription Bottles
reading, writing, CLB2, health, medicine, medication, drugstore, pharmacy, drugs, instructions, label, warning, safety
- Ask the Pharmacist
listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, health, medicine, medication, drugstore, pharmacy, pharmacist, drugs, instructions, side effects, warning, safety
- Where Can I Find Toothpaste?
reading, CLB2, shopping, drugstore, pharmacy, prepositions, location, health, products, directions
- Joanna’s Shopping Trip
reading, CLB2, shopping, table, chart, clothes, clothing, winter, colours
- That's the Jacket I Want
reading, CLB2, shopping, store, service, clothes, clothing, dialogue
- Guess What I Paid for Them!
reading, CLB2, shopping, yard sales, garage sales, ESL class, used, secondhand
- The Best Bargain
listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, shopping, yard sales, garage sales, used, secondhand, coat, bargain
Government Services |
Education |
Employment |
- Neighbourhood Services
reading, writing, CLB2, table, chart, municipal, services, government, city, neighbourhood, crossword
- Nice Boots
reading, listening, CLB2, CLB3, seniors, winter, social worker, secondhand, clothes, store, used, shopping, friends
- Fitness and Exercise Vocabulary
reading, CLB2, health, fitness, exercise, relaxation, relax, leisure, vocabulary
- Mina Goes to the "Y"
reading, writing, CLB2, exercise, fitness, gym, gymnasium, YWCA, YMCA, sports, classes, swimming, volleyball
- Help Mina Choose Her Classes
reading, CLB2, schedule, table, chart, fitness, exercise, abbreviations
- Mina Wants to Volunteer
reading, writing, CLB2, application, form, volunteer, apply, guest speaker, ESL teacher, crossword
- Volunteer Application Form
reading, CLB2, application, form, questions, volunteer, job, ask, repeat, crossword
- Registering a Child for School
listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, school, child, registration, parent, reception centre, appointment, documents, medical records, immunization
- Burgu Goes to the Reception Centre
listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, school, child, registration, parent, reception centre, appointment, receptionist, newcomer, mother, appointment
- Parent-Teacher Interview Notice
reading, CLB2, teacher, school, parent, interview, sign, notice
- Tips for Parent-Teacher Interviews
reading, CLB2, teacher, school, parent, interview
- It’s Bedtime, Ali
listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, child, teacher, school, parent, pupil, sleep, parenting
- Children’s Education in Ontario
reading, writing, CLB2, school, separate, public, Catholic, school year, calendar, holiday, vacation
- The First Day at School
listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, school, child, parent, teacher, mother, pupil, kindergarten
- School Holidays in Ontario
reading, writing, CLB2, table, chart, school, calendar, holidays, vacation
- Tell Me about Yourself
reading, CLB2, job, work, application, experience, education, timeline, profile, accounting
- Looking for a Job
reading, CLB2, job, work, apply, job search, how to apply, resume, experience, application, steps, employer, employee, interview
- The Burger Queen
listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, interview, apply, job, work, hire, question, illegal, law, refuse, cook, restaurant
- The Hair-Cutter
listening, writing, CLB2, CLB3, job, work, application, apply, interview, mother, family, refuse, questions, illegal, law, stylist, salon
- Employment History
reading, writing, CLB2, table, chart, application, experience, job, work, work history, employee, responsibility, apply, resume, waiter, cleaner, bookkeeper, zookeeper
- Small Talk
listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, job, work, employees, conversation, friend, colleague, co-worker, break, cafeteria, workplace, department
Relationships |
and Safety |
Transportation |
- Talk about Your Family
reading, writing, CLB2, Family and Relationships, family, family member, family tree, sibling, grandparent, spouse, senior, youth, crossword
- Family Problems
reading, CLB2, Family and Relationships, family, spank, law, illegal, bigamy, advice, crossword
- The Independent Grandmother
listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Family and Relationships, family, senior, aging, independence, seniors’ building, neighbour, invitation, crossword
- Grandparents, Great-Grandparents
reading, writing, CLB2, Family and Relationships, family, senior. grandparent, great-grandparent, grandchild, life expectancy, crossword
- Describing People
reading, writing, CLB2, Family and Relationships. adjectives, describe, description, people, crossword
- Dear Susan
reading, writing, CLB2, Family and Relationships, family, senior, grandparent, grandmother, grandchild, advice, column, crossword
- You're My Favourite
listening, CLB2, CLB3, Family and Relationships, family, senior, family, grandma, grandmother, grandparent, granddaughter, moving, crossword
- Flu Shots
listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Health and Safety, healthy, flu, immunization, prevention, illness, cough, sneeze, winter, fever, crossword
- Food and Nutrition I – Eli Goes to the Doctor
listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Health and Safety, doctor, medical, physical, annual, check-up, blood pressure, exercise, healthy, overweight, family doctor, crossword
- Food and Nutrition II – Health and Wellness Pamphlet
reading, writing, CLB2, Health and Safety, healthy, nutrition, food, exercise, pamphlet, Canada’s Food Guide
- Food and Nutrition III - Canada’s Food Guide
reading, writing, CLB2, Health and Safety, healthy, nutrition, chart, table, food, food groups, serving, grain
- Food and Nutrition V - Comfort Foods
listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Health and Safety, food, comfort, stress, lonely, depressed, unhappy
- On the Road l
reading, writing, CLB2, Travel and Transportation, commute, cyclist, bicycle, pedestrian, driver, license, car, subway, crossword
- On the Road lI
reading, writing, CLB2, Travel and Transportation, license, driver, sign, road sign, traffic, Driver’s Handbook
- Carlos Goes for a Driving Test
listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Travel and Transportation, driver's license, license, road test, nervous, pass, fail, inattentive, crossword
- Carlos Gets a Driver's License
listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Travel and Transportation, driver's license, license, road test, nervous, pass, fail, crossword
- Carlos Goes to Halifax
reading, writing, CLB2, Travel and Transportation, fly, air travel, airline, ticket, booking, chart, table, trip, crossword
- Be Prepared for Winter
listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Travel and Transportation, winter, emergency, snow, Canada, prepare, safety, car, accident, crossword
- Decisions, Decisions
listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, Travel and Transportation, chart, table, school, ESL, field trip, class trip, excusrion, trip, positive, negative, crossword
- Dream Vacations
reading, writing, CLB2, Travel and Transportation, vacation, adventure, culture, park, Ontario, Niagara Falls, crossword