LINC 2 Classroom Activities: Learning Objects

These online language learning activities are based on a series of classroom resource books and audio CDs that were produced by Algonquin College with funded from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (Ontario Region). They are designed to assist newcomers learn English in the context of Canadian culture at the Canadian Language Benchmark 2-3 range. Developed and packaged as SCORM learning objects by New Media Language Training, these activities can be re-used in various learning management systems. Please email your comments or feedback to [email protected].


At Home in Our
Community and the World

Banking, Customer Service
and Telephones

  • Nice to Meet You
    listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, greeting, introduction, small talk, children, neighbour
  • Can You Fix It?
    reading, writing, CLB2, repairs, house, handyman, trades, fix, tradesperson, do-it-yourself
  • An Expensive Weekend
    reading, listening, CLB2, CLB3, plumber, plumbing, fix, repair, repairs, trades, tradesperson, crossword
  • How to Keep out the Cold
    listening, CLB2, CLB3, tools, weatherproof, winter, cold, landlord, townhouse
  • A Letter to the Landlord
    reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, landlord, tenant, letter, repairs, maintenance, elevator, complaint, business letter
  • Saturday at the Bazaar
    listening, CLB2, CLB3, bazaar, flea market, used, merchandise, community, friends
  • Quick Facts about Canada
    listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, geography, map, cities, provinces, river, mountain, Great Lakes, Ontario
  • The Aboriginal Peoples
    reading, CLB2, Canada, history, aboriginals, First Nations, Algonquin, Iroquois, Ontario, vocabulary
  • Early Canadian History
    reading, CLB2, Canada, history, explorers, aboriginals, French, Champlain, British, fur, missionaries
  • The Story of Laura Secord
    reading, CLB2, Canada, history, Ontario, aboriginals, War of 1812, United States, British, Niagara Falls, heroine
  • The Canadian Fifty-Dollar Bill
    listening, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, history, money, prime minster, Mackenzie King, Famous Five, rights, women
  • Canadian Animals - Part 1
    reading, writing, CLB2, Canada, wildlife, animals, vocabulary
  • Canadian Animals - Part 2
    reading, listening, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, wildlife, animals, crossword
  • The Canadian Moose
    reading, listening, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, wildlife, animals, geography
  • Canadian Coins
    reading, writing, CLB2, Canada, history, money, coins, loonie, toonie


Commercial Services
and Business
  • Fall Festivals
    reading, listening, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, autumn, fall, holiday, festival, Thanksgiving, Halloween, family, food, turkey, pumpkin, pie
  • Joan's Turkey Stuffing and Kim's Halloween Pumpkin
    reading, writing, CLB2, Canada, autumn, fall, holiday, festival, Thanksgiving, recipe, Halloween, food, turkey, children, October, pumpkin, jack-o-lantern,crossword
  • What Are You Thankful for?
    reading, listening, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, Thanksgiving, history, native, aboriginal, settlers, family, thankfulness
  • Canadian Festivals
    reading, CLB2, Canadian Culture, Canada, festivals, holiday, holidays, Remembrance Day, Easter, Christmas, Labour Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, Halloween
  • Spare Time
    reading, listening, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, leisure, hobbies, hobby,camping, weekends, Ontario, park, photography
  • When in Rome
    reading, CLB2, Canadian Culture, Canada, dinner party, party, idiom, expression, cross cultural, tradition
  • Dinner Parties
    reading, CLB2, Canada, dinner party, invitation, tradition, thank-you, formal
  • Canadian Gift-Giving Traditions
    reading, listening, CLB2, CLB3, Canada, holiday, festival, gift, family, present
  • A Thank-You Note
    reading, writing, CLB2, Canada, note, letter, thanks, thank you, gift, present, assist, neighbour, kindness
  • Warning Labels on Prescription Bottles
    reading, writing, CLB2, health, medicine, medication, pharmacy, drugstore, prescription, drugs, instructions, label, warning, safety, crossword
  • Read the Label
    listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, health, medicine, medication, drugstore, pharmacy, drugs, instructions, label, warning, safety
  • Reading Prescription Bottles
    reading, writing, CLB2, health, medicine, medication, drugstore, pharmacy, drugs, instructions, label, warning, safety
  • Ask the Pharmacist
    listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, health, medicine, medication, drugstore, pharmacy, pharmacist, drugs, instructions, side effects, warning, safety
  • Where Can I Find Toothpaste?
    reading, CLB2, shopping, drugstore, pharmacy, prepositions, location, health, products, directions
  • Joanna’s Shopping Trip
    reading, CLB2, shopping, table, chart, clothes, clothing, winter, colours
  • That's the Jacket I Want
    reading, CLB2, shopping, store, service, clothes, clothing, dialogue
  • Guess What I Paid for Them!
    reading, CLB2, shopping, yard sales, garage sales, ESL class, used, secondhand
  • The Best Bargain
    listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, shopping, yard sales, garage sales, used, secondhand, coat, bargain
Community and
Government Services
  • Neighbourhood Services
    reading, writing, CLB2, table, chart, municipal, services, government, city, neighbourhood, crossword
  • Nice Boots
    reading, listening, CLB2, CLB3, seniors, winter, social worker, secondhand, clothes, store, used, shopping, friends
  • Fitness and Exercise Vocabulary
    reading, CLB2, health, fitness, exercise, relaxation, relax, leisure, vocabulary
  • Mina Goes to the "Y"
    reading, writing, CLB2, exercise, fitness, gym, gymnasium, YWCA, YMCA, sports, classes, swimming, volleyball
  • Help Mina Choose Her Classes
    reading, CLB2, schedule, table, chart, fitness, exercise, abbreviations
  • Mina Wants to Volunteer
    reading, writing, CLB2, application, form, volunteer, apply, guest speaker, ESL teacher, crossword
  • Volunteer Application Form
    reading, CLB2, application, form, questions, volunteer, job, ask, repeat, crossword
  • Tell Me about Yourself
    reading, CLB2, job, work, application, experience, education, timeline, profile, accounting
  • Looking for a Job
    reading, CLB2, job, work, apply, job search, how to apply, resume, experience, application, steps, employer, employee, interview
  • The Burger Queen
    listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, interview, apply, job, work, hire, question, illegal, law, refuse, cook, restaurant
  • The Hair-Cutter
    listening, writing, CLB2, CLB3, job, work, application, apply, interview, mother, family, refuse, questions, illegal, law, stylist, salon
  • Employment History
    reading, writing, CLB2, table, chart, application, experience, job, work, work history, employee, responsibility, apply, resume, waiter, cleaner, bookkeeper, zookeeper
  • Small Talk
    listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, job, work, employees, conversation, friend, colleague, co-worker, break, cafeteria, workplace, department
Family and
and Safety
Travel and
  • Talk about Your Family
    reading, writing, CLB2, Family and Relationships, family, family member, family tree, sibling, grandparent, spouse, senior, youth, crossword
  • Family Problems
    reading, CLB2, Family and Relationships, family, spank, law, illegal, bigamy, advice, crossword
  • The Independent Grandmother
    listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Family and Relationships, family, senior, aging, independence, seniors’ building, neighbour, invitation, crossword
  • Grandparents, Great-Grandparents
    reading, writing, CLB2, Family and Relationships, family, senior. grandparent, great-grandparent, grandchild, life expectancy, crossword
  • Describing People
    reading, writing, CLB2, Family and Relationships. adjectives, describe, description, people, crossword
  • Dear Susan
    reading, writing, CLB2, Family and Relationships, family, senior, grandparent, grandmother, grandchild, advice, column, crossword
  • You're My Favourite
    listening, CLB2, CLB3, Family and Relationships, family, senior, family, grandma, grandmother, grandparent, granddaughter, moving, crossword
  • On the Road l
    reading, writing, CLB2, Travel and Transportation, commute, cyclist, bicycle, pedestrian, driver, license, car, subway, crossword

  • On the Road lI
    reading, writing, CLB2, Travel and Transportation, license, driver, sign, road sign, traffic, Driver’s Handbook
  • Carlos Goes for a Driving Test
    listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Travel and Transportation, driver's license, license, road test, nervous, pass, fail, inattentive, crossword
  • Carlos Gets a Driver's License
    listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Travel and Transportation, driver's license, license, road test, nervous, pass, fail, crossword
  • Carlos Goes to Halifax
    reading, writing, CLB2, Travel and Transportation, fly, air travel, airline, ticket, booking, chart, table, trip, crossword
  • Be Prepared for Winter
    listening, reading, writing, CLB2, CLB3, Travel and Transportation, winter, emergency, snow, Canada, prepare, safety, car, accident, crossword
  • Decisions, Decisions
    listening, reading, CLB2, CLB3, Travel and Transportation, chart, table, school, ESL, field trip, class trip, excusrion, trip, positive, negative, crossword
  • Dream Vacations
    reading, writing, CLB2, Travel and Transportation, vacation, adventure, culture, park, Ontario, Niagara Falls, crossword