On the Road l - Vocabulary Training

Click "Next" two times to see the matching word and picture or definition. Click "Delete" when you can remember them. When you think you know these words, go to Exercise 1.
pedestrian (n)on.road.1.pedestrian.gifa person walking on a street or road
street (n)a road which has houses or stores on one or both sides
driver's license (n)a card that gives someone the right to drive
The Official Driver's Handbook (n)a guide with basic information about learning to drive
road (n)a long, hard path which cars and trucks can drive on
sign (n)a board with words or pictures that gives information or instructions
car (n)on.road.1.car.gif
bus (n)on.road.1.bus.gif
streetcar (n)on.road.1.streetcar.gif
bicycle (n)on.road.1.bicycle.gif
truck (n)on.road.1.truck.gif
van (n)on.road.1.van.gif
motorcycle (n)on.road.1.motorcycle.gif
skateboard (n)on.road.1.skateboard.gif
subway (n)on.road.1.subway.gif
traffic (n)on.road.1.traffic.jpgall the cars, buses, and trucks moving along the road
rollerblade (n)on.road.1.rollerblades.gifa boot that has wheels on the bottom