Food and Nutrition I – Eli Goes to the Doctor Ex. 2
Use the drop-down menus to match the words with the appropriate definitions. Click "Check" to check your answers.
very good
exercise (n)
instruction (n)
pamphlet (n)
wonderful (adj)
overweight (adj)
physical activity for fitness
exercise (n)
instruction (n)
pamphlet (n)
wonderful (adj)
overweight (adj)
a thin book that gives information about a subject
exercise (n)
instruction (n)
pamphlet (n)
wonderful (adj)
overweight (adj)
teaching; information
exercise (n)
instruction (n)
pamphlet (n)
wonderful (adj)
overweight (adj)
too heavy; weighing more than normal
exercise (n)
instruction (n)
pamphlet (n)
wonderful (adj)
overweight (adj)