You’re My Favourite Ex. 5
Listen to the audio again and answer each question by clicking on the best choice.
How old is Alicia?
- ten
- eleven
- twelve
Who is Alicia like?
- her grandfather
- her grandmother
- her mother
Why is Alicia upset today?
- Her grandmother is baking.
- Her grandmother is moving.
- Her grandmother is late.
Where is Alicia’s grandmother moving?
- to a bigger house
- to a small apartment
- to a small house
How long has Alicia’s grandmother lived in her house?
- forty-one years
- forty-two years
- forty-three years
What does Alicia’s love to do?
- She loves to visit her grandmother and bring cookies.
- She loves to visit her grandmother and bake cookies.
- She loves to go to school.
Why does Alicia want her grandmother to stay in the same place?
- She does not like things to change in her life.
- She likes change in her life.
- She wants to live with her grandmother.
Where does Alicia like to visit her grandma?
- in her house
- in her apartment
- in her seniors' building
What does Alicia's grandma say to Alicia?
- You're my favourite granddaughter and we can still bake cakes.
- You're my favourite daughter and we can still bake cookies.
- You're my favourite granddaughter and we can still bake cookies.