The Best Bargain Ex. 1
Use the drop-down menus to match the words with the appropriate definitions. Click "Check" to check your answers.
an event where people sell used things outside their home; yard sale
proud (adj)
full price (n)
garage sale (n)
fit (v)
bargain (n)
perfectly (adv)
the regular amount of money that you must pay; (not on sale)
proud (adj)
full price (n)
garage sale (n)
fit (v)
bargain (n)
perfectly (adv)
something a person buys at a very low price; (on sale)
proud (adj)
full price (n)
garage sale (n)
fit (v)
bargain (n)
perfectly (adv)
to be the right size of clothing
proud (adj)
full price (n)
garage sale (n)
fit (v)
bargain (n)
perfectly (adv)
as good as possible
proud (adj)
full price (n)
garage sale (n)
fit (v)
bargain (n)
perfectly (adv)
happy about something you are connected to in some way
proud (adj)
full price (n)
garage sale (n)
fit (v)
bargain (n)
perfectly (adv)