What Are You Thankful for? Ex. 3

Listen to the audio again. Fill in all the gaps using words from the word list, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints!
   alive      corn      duck      fall      first      food      invited      long      newcomers      winter   
  1. Newcomers first came to North America ago.
  2. They came in and their life was very hard.
  3. It was cold and they had no . Native Americans came and helped them to find food, like , deer and rabbit.
  4. In spring, they showed the newcomers how to plant vegetables, like , onions and squash.
  5. The land was good and the grew many vegetables.
  6. In the , the newcomers had a big dinner. They the Native Americans.
  7. They were happy to be and they thanked the Native Americans for their help.
  8. That was the Thanksgiving.