The Canadian Fifty-Dollar Bill Ex. 1
Use the drop-down menus to match the definitions with the appropriate words and pictures. Click "Check" to check your answers.
paper money worth 50 dollars
important (adj)
prime minister (n)
tenth (adj)
William L. Mackenzie King (n)
fifty-dollar bill (n)
equal (adj)
important (adj)
prime minister (n)
tenth (adj)
William L. Mackenzie King (n)
fifty-dollar bill (n)
equal (adj)
Canada's 10th Prime Minister
important (adj)
prime minister (n)
tenth (adj)
William L. Mackenzie King (n)
fifty-dollar bill (n)
equal (adj)
the leader of the Canadian government
important (adj)
prime minister (n)
tenth (adj)
William L. Mackenzie King (n)
fifty-dollar bill (n)
equal (adj)
the ordinal number of 10
important (adj)
prime minister (n)
tenth (adj)
William L. Mackenzie King (n)
fifty-dollar bill (n)
equal (adj)
the same
important (adj)
prime minister (n)
tenth (adj)
William L. Mackenzie King (n)
fifty-dollar bill (n)
equal (adj)