Quick Facts about Canada Ex. 1
Use the drop-down menus to match the words with the appropriate definitions. Click "Check" to check your answers.
the number of people who live in a place
longest (adj)
flow (v)
highest (adj)
border (n)
population (n)
above all others
longest (adj)
flow (v)
highest (adj)
border (n)
population (n)
longer than all others
longest (adj)
flow (v)
highest (adj)
border (n)
population (n)
to move without stopping, (such as water in a river)
longest (adj)
flow (v)
highest (adj)
border (n)
population (n)
the line between two countries (or provinces)
longest (adj)
flow (v)
highest (adj)
border (n)
population (n)