Telephone Fraud Ex. 8

Listen to the audio again. Fill in all the gaps using words from the word list, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints!
   bank      bought      grandchildren      lucky      money      surprise      ticket      twelve      won   
Part 2
Mrs. James: I …I …who are you?
Smooth talker: Well, Mrs. James, I’m your good luck fairy. Do I have a for you!! You, Mrs. James, have a half a million dollars in the Metropolitan Lottery.
Mrs. James: I never bought a in a lottery.
Smooth talker: Well, you are lucky! Do you have children or , Mrs. James?
Mrs. James: Oh yes. Four children and grandchildren.
Smooth talker: Lucky, you. One of your children or grandchildren you a ticket. What a wonderful surprise! Now, Mrs. James, please tell me the where you have your account, and tell me the account number so we can deposit the today! Your children are going to be so happy for you!