Anything Else? Ex. 3

Listen again and choose the missing words. Click "Check" to check your answers. Click "[?]" if you need help.
Victor does not work now. He is retired. His wife Sara thinks that he should her more now that he is at home. Listen to their conversation.
Sara: Would you go for me today?
Victor: Again? What do you need?
Sara: Could you get some peas, ?
Victor: Sure. Anything else?
Sara: We need and bananas. They're so good for you.
Victor: Sure. Anything ?
Sara: Some rice would be nice.
Victor: Sure. Anything else?
Sara: Don't forget the . We'll have it with fish. Buy some chicken and chops too.
Victor: Sure. Anything else?
Sara: Oh yes. I need bread and yogurt and milk.
Victor: Stop. I can't anymore.
Sara: One more thing I need, my sweet. A box of cookies, your favourite treat.
Victor: Okay. No .