Max's New Suit Ex. 4

Listen and choose the correct words to complete Max's story. Click "Check" to check your answers. Click "[?]" if you need help.
Max needs a new suit because his daughter is getting married next month. His wife thinks his old suit is very ugly. Listen to what she says.
Wife: You can’t wear that suit in your closet. It’s too old and it’s the wrong . Go to the shopping and buy a new black suit.
Now, listen to Max talk to the clerk in the men’s clothing store.
Max: Excuse me, can you me? I need to buy a new suit.
Clerk: What do you need?
Max: I don’t know.
Clerk: Just a minute. I’ll take your . You need a size forty. Here’s a size forty black suit. Go and try it on.
Max: How does this look?
Clerk: It’s a perfect !
Max: Great! I’ll it.
Listen to Max and his wife at home.
Max: I found the suit.
Wife: Now you’re ready to be father of the !