Maryam Calls the Landlord Ex. 1
Listen to the audio and answer each question. Type your answer in the blank or click on your choice.
Is the apartment Maryam called about available?
- Yes, it is.
- No, it is not.
Maryam wants to see the apartment in the ______.
- morning
- afternoon
- evening
What is the street number? (Type a number below.)
- 9
- 19
- 99
What is the name of the street? (Type it below.)
- Reedwood
- Redwood
- Redwud
How do you spell Maryam's family name? (Type it below.)
- Khabir
- Kabir
- Khabr
They are meeting at __:30. (Type the missing number below.)
- 1
- 2
- 3